

MTH Challenger Smoke unit not puffing fix:

If you are having issues with the smoke unit not flowing air properly then you may have:

    -  Oil inside the fan chamber causing it to slow / bog down.

    -  The rubber gasket has swollen or shifted position and is now blocking the air passage between the fan assembly and the fluid reservior.



If you have overfilled the smoke unit or have tipped the engine over with the unit filled with smoke fluid and have fluid in the air chamber you can simply just allow it to dry out over a period of time and it should return to normal operation.


If the rubber gasket is blocking the air passage, you may need to disassemble the smoke unit to trim or reposition the gasket to eliminate the blockage.


Picture of the gasket:




Some additional misc photos:

The link below is a test video of the smoke unit output with the gasket piece removed for testing purposes. 


(Right-click and save-as the video before you play and it will run smoother.)

                                              Select the version / quality you want to download:

   -  Smoke unit gasket fix video - 3:03 mins

                   -  47MB/2100kbs - 23MB/1000kbs - 13MB/150kbs



For another video showing the improved smoke output see the link "Challenger  MPG VIDEO #4" on the Raymond' Garden Railroad page.



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